Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A few of my musings...

     Sometimes, I really wonder why does it take so many guys to build a road? One guy to hold the slow/stop sign and his walkie talkie at one end of the road and another  guy at the other end.  Also, one guy to stand in the middle of the work area and hold a lighted orange stick thing to direct traffic in whatever direction in the dark of the night.  Then their are several men just hanging out until its their turn to drive their big rollers (or whatever they do).  I guess they have job security working for the county or state.  Of course, cross-training has never been thought of, but then again they have not asked us the public.  LOL!

     Where O Where, did my metabolism go?  I swear all I have to do is walk down the sweets aisle and another ten pounds have stuck to my hips.  ACK!  The days of eating whatever I want have ended long ago.  So, my goal for the next seven days is to start limiting myself to only 12 oz of soda a day. It's a place to start. =)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Its just funny...

I recently saw these signs at a local buger joint and they made
me laugh and wanted to share them with everyone.

Which one is your favorite?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

the Good, the Bad, and the Stinky

So instead of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly , I am gong to tell you about
the Good, the Bad, and the Stinky of my new job.  LOL!

the GOOD -
  • Positive work environment
  • Warm and friendly co-workers
  • Hilarious supervisor
the BAD -
  • New supervisor is a Carolina Gamecocks GameHens Fan (ICK!)
the STINKY -
  • the papermill located right near my place of employment - somedays it smells like a pig farm, other days like dead fish or shrimp boats, but the workers there say it is the smell of money.  A good attitude to have I think. =)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Morning Light

I thought this picture of the morning sunshine shining off of the tree
was just beautiful!
So hope you enjoy!

I took the picture with my smart phone.

Happy Spring!

Now if the pollen was not so bad then Spring would be even more enjoyable.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First Week

Well I have to say the first week of my new job went very well.  From talking to and hearing how people got their start with the credit union, several people have left the credit union and come back because they missed it so much.  I am taking that as a very positive sign that I am in a good place.  Three more weeks of training and then off to the phones and crazy questions from customers. They can come up with some funny stuff sometimes or be really physco too.

After working for Verizon Wireless for six years and most of those years in the collections department, I have heard some interesting excuses.  The best one of all would be the man I called on an outbound call to see if he would make his three month past due balance of $1000.00.  Now mind you this was in 2009, when President Obama and the Washington Gang were passing the Stimulus Bill.  My friendly customer told me to call 1-800-OBAMA because Mr. Obama was going to pay his mobile phone balance for him and then the customer promptly hung up on me.  I have to say that response left me speechless!  Also, I laughed and laughed and the joke for the rest of the day was call 1-800-OBAMA because the President was going to bail everyone out of their mobile phone bills. LOL! Silly customer, mobile phones are still considered a luxury item but I know my mobile phone is my lifeline too. 

Good Night!