Thursday, September 22, 2011

You know you live in Hurricane Alley when...

You see signs like this posted all over town...

All new homes must be built to hurricane specifications (ie. on stilts)
especially on barrier islands or places that are in flood zones
because this is what you might find after the storm

Damage to Folly Beach, SC from Hugo

This is a picture of
Folly Beach in

Several of your local grocery stores are happy to
provide you with a free
"Hurricane Survival Guide"

and it gets better...

the local weatherman's picture is on each copy
we have THREE
Rob Fowler
Bill Walsh 
and Tom Crawford

so if your ever in Charleston during the month of  August or September 
make sure you stop by the local grocery store and 
you can take home a free souvenier 
aren't you so lucky?

Picture from

1 comment:

  1. lol! at least you've got a sense of humor about it! i guess it's like living in OK or KS in tornado alley. you just learn to be prepared...
