Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weightloss Wednesday

   Well I have started counting calories - my cousin started counting calories on there and is already losing weight! So good for him.  I gave him permission to fuss at me when I get lazy and don't count my calories, actually he is very encouraging so we are going to encourage each other in the Battle of the Bulge. LOL! 

   The gym at work is about to open so I will be getting myself onto the treadmill and elliptical here soon.  If you have never been on an elliptical machine before, it will kick your butt. 


Captain Jack Sparrow

I went to see the latest adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow last night. 
Needless to say he is still the same pirate getting out of sticky situations.  LOL!
One of my girlfriends went with me and we watched the movie in 3D.

Shhh! Don't tell anyone but I did not recycle my 3D glasses...

I tried to post this last night but Blogger was not cooperating. - Mandy

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weightloss Wednesday

I have not been doing very well with working towards my goals of drinking mostly water and walking.  You would think that having grown up in the South I would be used to the heat but I am not.  No, I have not been walking like I want to.  The new gym at work should be opening soon, so looking forward to that!

Did anyone watch Extreme Makeover: Weighloss Edition on Monday night. I did and I was very impressed by Rachel and how hard she worked.  I keep telling myself if she can do it, so can I!

Here's the link if you want to see some of the clips: ENJOY!