They say the first thing to go is the mind. I'd swear if my head were not attached to my body I would lose it too. So sad, I am not that old yet, just 3 years past 30.
This was my problem this morning. But first I have to give you the background of the story, I was in an accident on February 14th (Single Awareness Day). Ofcourse it was my fault, so yours truly received a ticket or better know as a Blue Light Special. No one was gravely hurt, just my pride. I really think the police around here have a monthly quota to reach for giving out tickets or maybe they get a commission. (Now please don't think I am disrespecing the police officers who put their lives on the line for all us law-abiding citizens and lead foot drivers.)
However, I could not find the lovely little ticket that I had received from the kind-hearted police lady. So I tear my house apart looking for the blasted thing and could not find it! GRRR! I had to pay it by Friday or I would have had bigger issues with the Sheriff's Department. So I finally gave up looking and figured the police will have it in their computer. The next stop I made was for a quick bite to eat for lunch and off I would go to pay my traffic violation. While waiting for my food, I start to look through the junk in my purse and there is the offending piece of paper. All that wasted energy and the stupid ticket was in my purse to begin with. {SIGH!}
Now that I have paid my fine and am once again an upstanding and respectable person in my city, I can look forward to June when my insurance policy will renew. State Farm is looking forward to revoking my Safe-Drivers Discount. Can't you tell how much I enjoy spending money on insurance and traffic violations?